Team-Building: Developing a Team You Can Rely On
Team building is important when it comes to managing people. People are simply more willing to work together when the atmosphere encourages it. For many organizations, teamwork is necessary for the business to run efficiently and productively.
When employees get along, things run more smoothly, they provide better service to the customer, they work together to complete projects on time and on budget. A harmonious workplace also helps to promote employee retention. Customers are happy, employees are happy, and then suddenly the world a better place.
Team building is anything but simple. It is not something that can be done overnight, nor is it something you can force on people. So, how can you effectively build your team to encourage them to bond and develop working relationships that are positive?
There are many things that you can do. Here are some ideas:
- Set the example yourself. As the leader, it is up to you to provide a good example for your team. You want them to feel comfortable with you as well as with others. Don’t favor some and don’t become too friendly either. Be fair in your assignments, be generous with your praise, and work collaboratively with your team. Demonstrate the teamwork you expect from them.
- Teams form naturally when there is a common goal or a common challenge that the employees need to overcome. As the leader, foster teamwork by setting the vision and providing a strong mission and purpose. Make sure that goals are established and that each team member is aware of them. Encourage your team to work together to accomplish the goals. Reward teamwork so that it is clear that this is the cultural environment that you want to build for your employees.
- Provide them with opportunities to get to know each other. Take the team out to dinner, a sporting event, or an activity like Go Cart racing or ax throwing (yes, that’s really a thing). Encouraging them to play together will help build the bonds. Shared experiences outside of work will make working together easier.
When team building is successful, there are many things that can happen. Not only will the business run better, but you will see the good qualities in individuals emerge.
You can have a bond of trust and reliance with your team. It just takes some planning, some scheduling, and a leader to set the example.
Looking for ways to build your team, develop leaders, and create culture based on teamwork and collaboration? I can help. Schedule a free 20-minute Discovery Chat. Use the button below.
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