Episode 76: Sean Crane – Courage to Invest in Yourself

At the age of 23, Sean Crane was sentenced to 7 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. It was in his prison cell, for the first time in his life, that he faced his demons and challenges head-on. He was able to completely transform his entire life behind bars. His attitude, his mindset, and his daily routines were all adjusted and allowed him to create new outcomes and results within his life.

Sean shares his personal transformation and the steps he took while incarcerated with anyone who feels lost or hopeless in their life. These same life-changing steps saved his life and freed him from addiction, negative thinking, and living life carelessly. His message is clear: He wants you to know that “no matter what you go through, deep within you is the capacity to persevere and create a life you love and cherish.”

You can connect with Sean on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-crane-0bab4315a/

You can learn more about Sean – Life Coach, Fitness Expert, Motivational Speaker, and Author by visiting his website: http://seanmichaelcrane.com/

Pick up a copy of Sean’s book “Prison Of Your Own” at Amazon

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